Balanced Rejuvenation

BHRT Women

As early as 30-35 years old, a woman’s hormones can start to decline.   The symptoms may be subtle like lack of concentration, or they may be more pronounced like hot flashes/night sweats.  Add with added stress, there are times when the decrease in hormones is due to increased cortisol.   The following is an introduction of the functions of the female hormones.


Estrogen has over 400 functions in the body.  Here are some of them:

  • Stimulates the production of choline acetyltransferase, an enzyme which prevents Alzheimer’s disease
  • Increases metabolic rate
  • Improves insulin sensitivity
  • Regulates body temperature
  • Helps prevent muscle damage
  • Helps maintain muscle
  • Improves sleep
  • Reduces risk of cataracts
  • Helps maintain the elasticity of arteries
  • Dilates small arteries
  • Increases blood flow
  • Inhibits platelet stickiness

Decreases the accumulation of plaque on arteries

  • Enhances magnesium uptake and utilization
  • Maintains the amount of collagen in the skin
  • Decreases blood pressure
  • Decreases LDL and prevents its oxidation
  • Helps maintain memory
  • Increases reasoning and new ideas
  • Helps with fine motor skills
  • Increases the water content of skin and is responsible for its thickness and softness
  • Enhances the production of nerve-growth factor
  • Increases HDL by 10 to 15%
  • Reduces the overall risk of heart disease by 40 to 50%
  • Decreases lipoprotein(a)
  • Acts as a natural calcium channel blocker to keep arteries open
  • Enhances energy
  • Improves mood
  • Increases concentration
  • Maintains bone density
  • Helps prevent glaucoma
  • Increases sexual interest
  • Reduces homocysteine
  • Decreases wrinkles
  • Protects against macular degeneration
  • Decreases risk of colon cancer
  • Helps prevent tooth loss
  • Aids in the formation of neurotransmitters in the brain such as serotonin which decreases depression, irritability, anxiety, and pain sensitivity

These are the functions of our native Estrogen. Non-Bioidentical Estrogens do not offer these same benefits, and many times do the complete opposite – which puts a woman more at risk for disease and aging.  Furthermore, replacement of Natural Estrogens must be done transdermally to see the desired benefits.  Oral Estrogens are proven dangerous.  This is a distinction that is often overlooked in all the research.  In terms of studies regarding HRT, the bulk of the research shows that Non-Bioidentical Hormones or Hormones taken in the wrong way (ie: Estrogen taken orally), may increase risk of Cancer and Heart Disease and other disease processes.

Estrogen by Mouth can:

  • Increase blood pressure
  • Increase triglycerides
  • Increase estrone
  • Cause gallstones
  • Elevate liver enzymes
  • Increase SHBG (decreases testosterone)
  • Interrupt tryptophan metabolism and consequently serotonin metabolism
  • Lower growth hormone
  • Increase prothrombic effects
  • Increase CRP
  • Increase carbohydrate cravings

But when they are used in the appropriate way, they are Bioidentical AND they are BALANCED APPROPRIATELY….AMAZING things can happen!  Improved energy, weight loss, libido, lower risk for many, many diseases, etc.  Please refer to the research section in the sidebar to view some of the research that shows this.

In the hormone replacement world, the Optimal Balance is where you will see your desired results. It is not something where, if a little improves symptoms, more is always better.

Estrogen Dominance

Estrogen Dominance doesn’t necessarily mean , high estrogen.   It can just be the ratio between Estrogen and Progesterone is “Off”.   It is the effect of too much estrogen relative to progesterone.  It is frequently seen in women of all ages.  It can be due to the aging process, or the effects of xenoestrogens, progesterone deficiency or progesterone resistance.

Symptoms of Estrogen Dominance

  • Allergies
  • Anxiety
  • Autoimmune disorders
  • Breast cancer
  • Breast tenderness
  • Cervical dysplasia
  • Cold hands and feet
  • Decreased sex drive
  • Depression
  • Dry eyes
  • Early onset of menstruation
  • Endometrial cancer
  • Fat gain, especially hips/thighs
  • Fatigue
  • Fibrocystic breasts
  • Gallbladder disease
  • Headaches
  • Hypoglycemia
  • Increased blood clotting
  • Infertility
  • Irregular menses
  • Irritability
  • Insomnia
  • Mg deficiency
  • Mood swings
  • Osteoporosis
  • PCOS
  • Osteopenia/osetoporosis
  • PMS
  • Sluggish metabolism
  • Thyroid dysfunction
  • Uterine cancer
  • Uterine fibroids
  • Water retention


Progesterone has some substantial positive effects on the body as well.  Here are some of them:

  • Helps balance estrogen
  • Improves sleep
  • Natural calming effect
  • Lowers high blood pressure
  • Helps the body use and eliminate fats
  • Lowers cholesterol
  • Increases scalp hair
  • Helps balance fluids in the cells
  • Increases the beneficial effects of estrogen on BV
  • Increases metabolic rate
  • Natural diuretic
  • Natural antidepressant
  • Is anti-inflammatory
  • Stimulates the production of new bone
  • Enhances the action of thyroid hormones
  • Improves libido
  • Helps restore proper cell oxygen levels
  • Induces conversion of E1 to the inactive E1S form
  • Promotes Th2 immunity
  • Is neuroprotective, promoting myelination

All of the above are functions of Native or Bioidentical Progesterone. Progestin is a Synthetic Progesterone and does not have the same effects as Natural Hormones. As stated above regarding Estrogens, Synthetic Hormones have been implicated in increased risk of Breast Cancer and Heart Disease.  But these risks are not seen with Natural Hormones they are BALANCED and taken properly.

The following are some of the adverse effects of Progestins (Synthetic Progesterone):

  • Progestins increase risk of Breast Cancer
  • Increases appetite
  • Weight gain
  • Fluid retention
  • Irritability
  • Depression
  • Headache
  • Decreases energy
  • Bloating
  • Breast tenderness
  • Decreases sexual interest
  • Acne
  • Hair loss
  • Nausea
  • Insomnia
  • Interferes with the body’s own production of progesterone
  • Does not help balance estrogen
  • Remains in the body longer
  • Can cause spasm of coronary arteries
  • Stop the protective effects estrogen has on the heart
  • May make the symptoms of progesterone loss worse
  • Increases LDL
  • Decreases HDL
  • Protects only the uterus from cancer
  • Counteracts many of the positive effects of estrogen on serotonin

Here’s just one study discussing the risk of breast cancer with synthetic Progestins.  Please refer to the research tab on the sidebar for more sources of information.

Wood, C., et al., “Effects of estradiol with micronized progesterone or medroxyprogesterone acetate on risk markers for breast cancer in postmenopausal monkeys,” Breast Cancer Res Treat 2007; 101(2):125-34. Liang, Y., et al., “Synthetic progestins induce growth and metastasis of BT-474 human breast cancer xenografts in nude mice,” Menopause 2010; 17(5):1040-47


Here are some functions of Testosterone in Females:

  • Increases sexual interest
  • Increases sense of emotional well-being
  • Increases muscle mass and strength
  • Helps maintain memory
  • Helps skin from sagging
  • Decreases excess body fat
  • Helps maintain bone strength
  • Elevates norepinephrine in the brain (tricyclic affect)

While females need less testosterone than males, it is also part of the Hormone Symphony, (as Dr. Pamela Smith refers to it).  It too must be balanced to achieve the Optimal Vitality.

Other Hormones/Issues to Consider

There are many other hormones and metabolic processes that Dr. Ohms will check when doing your initial and subsequent work ups.  The following are some of the hormones that influence the sex hormones mentioned above, and may play a part in your symptomology:

  • Thyroid
  • Cortisol
  • DHEA
  • SHBG
  • Insulin
  • Pregnenolone

Just to name a few! In addition, Nutrition and Vitamin & Mineral Deficiencies, Amino Acid Deficiencies, Toxicities and Genetic Defects can play a role in making your Hormone Symphony suboptimal.


Our Mission Statement: Integrating Traditional and Functional Medicine to PROMOTE WELLNESS, PREVENT DISEASE and AGING and to RESTORE VITALITY.



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